Buffers for Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis

Buffers for Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis


Low cost, convenient, consistent and time saving ready to use concentrated buffers. Guaranteed reactive quality. DNase and RNase-free, Bacteria-free.

buffers for nucleic acid electrophoresis
Available in powder sachets to maintain shelf life, Cleaver Scientific TBE is available for nucleic acid gel electrophoresis techniques. Each buffer sachet, which is available in packs of 10, may be reconstituted to make 1 litre of working solution. Buffers may also be supplied in 1 litre and 5 litre volumes as ready-made 50x TAE and 10x TBE solutions.

high grade agarose for nucleic acid electrophoresis
AG agaroses are suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids. They combine tensile strength with low electroendosmotic effects to achieve high resolving power for a wide size range of nucleic acid fragments.

GelX disposable gel excision tips
Widely acclaimed as a great new tool for gene cloning and now available from Cleaver Scientific, GelX disposable gel excision tips offer a unique and convenient way to excise bands from gels. GelX tips allow completely safe and contamination free removal of the gel band of interest without the need to handle potentially dangerous scalpels. The gel band is neatly extracted and contained in the tip, when it is then dispensed into a tube for further analysis. Once used, the tip is ejected for disposal.
■ Eliminates scalpel damage to transilluminator or gel tray
■ Designed for removing bands from agarose and protein gels
■ One handed operation
■ Push button gel and tip release mechanism
■ Fits standard 1000 μl pipettors
■ Autoclavable
■ DNase and RNase free
■ Sterile versions are also available

RNase-Free Water
DEPC-treated to eliminate enzyme activity and then autoclaved, this sterile highly purified water product is perfect for use in PCR and Northern blotting techniques. Available either in a single 250ml bottle or as one hundred 5ml aliquots to prevent cross-contamination.

ready-to-use DNA markers
Pre-made and containing bromophenol blue for immediate use, Cleaver Scientific markers are specially formulated to run accurately and produce sharp, well defined DNA ladders. Available in five molecular weight ranges, each marker may be stored at room temperature. DNA loading dye, containing 10x bromophenol blue, is also available in 1ml volumes for easy sample loading and migration.